Women’s sportswear High Waist Sports Bra+ Legging Gym Clothing Seamless Fitness Yoga Suit High Stretchy Workout Set Padded Sport
Product Details
Soft stretch seamless fabric
Thick material no see through
Padded push up sports bra with removable pads
Long sleeve yoga crop top with thumb holes
high waist seamless yoga pants
1.Asian sizes are1 to 2 sizessmaller than European and American people.
2 If you feel difficult to choose the size ,you can feel free to contact mewe will give you some suggestion,but it is for you reference only.
As we all know ,the different computers display colors differently,
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For drop shipping,we could send the goods to your customers directly and won’t leave information about us if you’d like to.
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You can track your parcel on the following website using your tracking number: www.17track.net/en (Copied to the browser to open)
What can I do when purchase protection time is running out?
If your purchase protection time is running out, please contact us and we can help you to extend it. So your money will not go to my account.
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